Sunday, February 24, 2013

We're More than Pet Friendly, We're Pet Obsessed

BJ is the new mascot of the TLC Inn.  She is as sweet and friendly as she looks! She is, in a word, adorable.

We didn't intend to become known as the place for your four-legged loves, but all of us who work here happen to love dogs.  So, if you are looking for the perfect place to stay with your pooch (short-term or long-term), look no further!  We hear from our guests how hard it is to find the right place that takes dogs.  For your four-legged family member, we not only have love, but we have affection and treats!

But we also have rules.  That's why it works so well.  With so many dogs vying for our affection, we require leashes at all times, and don't allow you to leave your lovey alone in the room. It works great!  Everyone gets along, quietly (no barking) and peacefully.  It's a win-win-win! Guests are happy, dogs are happy and staff is happy.

Click here for this cute post about dog-friendly Bozeman.